Monday 21 November 2011

Lesson 9

This was our final lesson to edit our album cover. I spent most of my time perfecting my work, adding special effects to our images and the background.This is my final work:

I could improve this image by using darker colors on the people with lighter clothing as the blue and green didn't show up. During this project I have learnt many skills, most important being the different cropping tools which can save a huge amount of time. I have also learned how to change the file size to fit different pathways. The problem I came across the most was trying to make special effects using Paths as it didn't turn out how I expected it to. All in all, Photoshop is a great program capable of many functions but rather complicated to master and to be used to its full potential.

Lesson 7 & 8

In lesson 7 we combined different cropping techniques on one photo to achieve the best outcome possible. I used Knockout 2, Color Range and the Lasso tool to achieve my image. I had problems with Knockout 2 as one mistake would need you to start over again and this took most of my time.

In lesson 8, we started editing our photos and created special effects which would reflect our mood board well. As our mood board tried to show aggression and a sense of suspense I mainly used the colors black, white and red as these suited the situation. I mainly worked on the background during the time given.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Lesson 6

In this lesson, we continued to experiment a variety of ways to crop the background out of our photo's, one of which being Knockout 2.

This tool wasn't as successful as the others, mainly being that I've never used it before. Even so, the result was great and definitely worth the time spent. One of the down sides is that you have to work on the entire image at once, meaning a simple mistake may mean starting again. Despite these disadvantages, I would still recommend it because of its usability.

Monday 7 November 2011

Lesson 5

In this lesson, we started to edit the photos we had taken the previous session. To start of, we started cropping the background of our desired photo and we were given several methods. Due to limited time, we were only able to try out two.

The first method I tried was using the magic wand tool. Although this tool is quick and simple, the product was not as defined as the other methods. This was the result:
The second method I used was color range. Color range was a great tool as you could either select the background or certain people and crop one out without much trouble. This was much more successful compared to the previous method as it had more detail, while using less time.

Lesson 4

Today we took photos in front of the green screen with our bands in our desired outfits. Each group was given four tries in different gestures and positions. Upon completion, we continued to work on our mood boards.